CSEAR Italy - Social and Environmental Accounting Research

The Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting Research (CSEAR) is an international scholar network whose aim is to enhance, promote and disseminate research and knowledge in the field of social and environmental accounting and reporting as a means to envisage and build a more sustainable society and economy.

CSEAR Italy is one of the Nation-based satellites of CSEAR, the Centre for Social and Environmental Research that is currently based in St. Andrews (Scotland).

The CSEAR Italian Office was formally set up in January 2014 as a culmination of dialogues and initiatives, which had been organized over the past years and since the first CSEAR Italian Conference held in the University of Bergamo in 2006. In particular, it was during the IV Italian CSEAR Conference held in Levico Terme (Trento-Italy), when the 'historical' group of the Italian CSEAR members came together to talk about current problems and future perspectives of research in social and environmental accounting and reporting in the Italian context.


    The CSEAR Italian Office, in collaboration with the colleagues of the wider CSEAR Network, aims to facilitate research and disseminate knowledge in the field of social and environmental accounting and accountability by promoting dialogue and collaboration between academia, policy-makers, business, practitioners and other societal stakeholder groups. In particular, CSEAR Italy aims to:

    • Operate as a center for the promotion and dissemination of research and knowledge in the field of social and environmental accounting and reporting
    • Act as a relevant national observatory of best practice in terms of social and environmental accounting and reporting
    • Be a reference point for the Italian scholars who are interested in the issues related to social and environmental accounting and reporting
    • Promote research collaboration between academia, business and other society stakeholder groups
    • Provide support to the wider social and economic community, through specific educative programmes that highlight the social concerns and the need for realizing an awareness of the impact of corporate social dimension and sustainable development
    About us

    The Centre for Social and Environmental Research (CSEAR) is an international membership-based network that aims to mobilize accounting scholarship to enable a more sustainable society.

    CSEAR aims to be a world-recognized, global community of scholars who engage with students, activists, practitioners, policy makers and other interested groups in order to generate and disseminate knowledge on social and environmental accounting and accountability. CSEAR's mission is to encourage and facilitate high quality, relevant research, teaching and external engagement with practice and policy through developing knowledge, expertise, resources and a supportive network for mentoring and career development.

    CSEAR activities include:

    • Supporting effective sustainability accounting education
    • Conferences in the UK and around the world
    • Social and Environmental Accountability Journal
    • Regular communication via social media, websites and quarterly newsletters
    • Research projects undertaken by CSEAR
    • Sponsoring and commissioning research
    • Research training
    • Mentor emerging scholars in the field
    • Engaging with practice, the profession, NGOs, activists, government and academia
    • Making research accessible to society-at-large through communications such as press releases and non-academic articles
    • Building the network of CSEAR members, including through Partners and Satellite Offices.
    Activities & Events

    The CSEAR Italian Office undertakes many activities and organizes/promotes several initiatives, including:

    • The bi-annual CSEAR Italian Conference which is organized by the CSEAR members of an Italian University
    • The organization of seminars, workshops and research days where it is possible to present research ideas, papers and projects
    • The promotion of specific initiatives related to social accounting and accountability issues that are organized within each University
    • Events and initiatives to promote the active and continuous collaboration between the members of the Italian CSEAR network.

    The CSEAR Italy supports and promotes the organization of the bi-annual CSEAR Italian Conference. Previous CSEAR Italian Conferences:

    • 7th CSEAR ITALIAN CONFERCENCE and 2nd CSEAR ITALIAN DOCTORAL COLLOQUIUM Urbino 19-21 September, 2018 - "Accounting, Accountability and Society"
    • 5th CSEAR ITALIAN CONFERCENCE Padova 18-19 September, 2014 - Camouflaging of corporate (un)sustainability
    • 4th CSEAR ITALIAN CONFERENCE Trento 20-21 September 2012
    • 3rd CSEAR ITALIAN CONFERENCE Catania 17-18 September 2010
    • 2nd CSEAR ITALIAN CONFERENCE Rimini 17-19 September 2008
    • 1st CSEAR ITALIAN CONFERENCE Bergamo 14-16 September 2006
    For more information