Department facts and figures

Students (a.y. 2023-2024)
  • over 3,436 enrolled students
  • 51.0% women
  • over 970 first-year enrolled students
Educational offerings

1 Bachelor's degree program in Business Administration (BA) with selective access.

For the academic year 2023-2024, the following master's degree programs:

1 Ph.D. in Management, Accounting and Finance.

Research and Tech Transfer
  • more than 2,500 products in the Institutional University Repository
  • over 1000 scientific publications in journals
Faculty (a.y. 2023-2024)
  • 16 full professors (11 women, 5 men)
  • 26 associate professors (11 women, 15 men)
  • 17 university researchers (7 women, 10 men)
  • 50.8% women, 49.2% men
  • several visiting professors from prestigious foreign universities (including the University of Sussex, the Business School University of Edimbourg, the University of South Australia or the IESEG School of Management)