Final Examination

The final examination marks the culmination of your academic journey, serving to assess your mastery of the program's educational goals. This process adheres to specific procedures and schedules.


  • Thesis Submission: Under the guidance of a faculty advisor, you are required to prepare a thesis on a topic relevant to your field of study. This thesis should reflect original thought and research.

  • Evaluation: Your thesis will be evaluated by an academic committee during a public session. The committee will assess the quality of your work and may pose questions to gauge your understanding and the depth of your research.


It is crucial to adhere to the established deadlines for each phase of the final examination process. These deadlines are outlined in the calendar specific to your degree program. Please consult the schedule to ensure timely completion of all requirements.

For detailed information on procedures and deadlines, please refer to the relevant sections provided below.

Master degree thesis: calendar

Graduations ceremonies usually take place over several days.

Graduands are notified of the exact day of graduation and the composition of the Board by an e-mail to their institutional e-mail address.


Calendar of final examination /dissertation sessions
- Autumn Term Session October a.y. 2023 -2024
        21, 22 and 23 October 2024
- Extraordinary March/April session a.y. 2023 - 2024
        31 March, 1 and 2 April 2025
- Summer term July 2025 a.y. 2024 2025


For the complete calendar and deadlines, please refer to the corresponding section on the Italian website.

We are working to provide an English version as soon as possible. In the meantime, you can consult the Italian section for the necessary deadlines and procedures.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


Guidelines for final examination

This section provides guidelines on the preparation and writing of the thesis, offering essential information
to help students understand the proper approach to developing and completing their research work for
both bachelor's and master's degrees.

Master Degree Thesis: the writing guide

This guide is intended to provide useful information for students who need to write their master’s degree thesis.


In addition to this document, students are invited to read carefully the “Regolamento prove finali laurea magistrale” (document released in Italian language)

Guidelines for Master's Degree Candidates and Their Guests


The master's degree graduation sessions will be conducted in person.

Candidates are required to arrive at the time specified in the published schedule. If you plan to use slides during your presentation, please save your file in PPS format on a USB drive. Additionally, for safety, save a version in PDF format.

No technical tests will be allowed on the day of the graduation. Each candidate may be accompanied by a maximum of six guests; no additional persons will be permitted, not even outside the building.

For more detailed information, please refer to the official guidelines provided by the University of Bergamo.

Evaluation Committees for Theses


The Evaluation Committees convened on 21 and 22 October 2024 to assess candidates' theses and assign final grades. Candidates were not required to be present during these evaluations. The academic degree was officially conferred on these dates. At the end of each day, graduates could view their assigned degree grades by accessing their personal area on the Internet portal (section: Degree > Degree Conferral). An email notification confirmed the recording of the degree grade and the conferral of the title.

On 8 July 2024, the Academic Senate approved new procedures for the proclamation ceremonies of bachelor's degree graduates:

  • Graduates from the summer session of the 2023/2024 academic year participated in the ceremony held on 1 October 2024, as per the invitation received.

  • Graduates from the autumn session of the 2023/2024 academic year received an invitation from

    for the proclamation ceremony that took place in mid-December 2024.

  • Graduates from the extraordinary session of March-April 2025 of the 2023/2024 academic year will participate in the proclamations scheduled for May 2025.

For more detailed information, please refer to the official communications from the University of Bergamo.


This section summarizes the regulations for the final examination of both bachelor's and master's degrees.